
Attention Mechanism Understanding

 # Attention Mechanism 3Blue1Brown观后感 ## Query 特征询问阵列 ## Key (输入本征)特征分量 Q*K = w => 答案相关性权重矩阵 ## Value 特征信息量 追加调整量 (新注入内容) ## 结果 w*V + embedding => new embedding with prev context knowledge ## DeepSeek Value 的本质是信息本身,是需要被加权聚合的信息源。它通过注意力权重被动态选择和聚合,最终生成与任务相关的上下文表示。Key 和 Query 共同决定“关注哪里”,而 Value 决定了“关注的内容是什么”。这种分离设计使模型能更灵活地学习不同层面的特征表达。

How to Install KeePass on M1 Mac

KeePass is good at syncing (via FTP or DAV). I missed that functionality on Windows. Here's how I install and use KeePass on MacOS: ## Install wine-crossover ```bash brew tap gcenx/wine brew install --cask --no-quarantine wine-crossover ``` ## Install winetricks ```bash brew install winetricks ``` ## Install .NET ```bash winetricks -q dotnet472 ``` ## Install mono ref: [StackOverflow](https://askubuntu.com/questions/644236/mono-does-not-appear-to-be-installed-error-winetricks) 1. Download [wine-mono.msi](http://dl.winehq.org/wine/wine-mono) from the official winehq site. 1. Run `wine64 uninstaller` 1. A window should popup. Inside the window choose the `mono.msi` file you just downloaded, and then click `install` ## Install clipboard dependences ```bash brew install xsel brew install xdotool ``` ## Install KeePass.zip Please download the exact KeePass version that you used on Windows. Or you may encounter the error `keepass failed to load the specified file the master key is invali...

How User Friendly is a MacOS

From a Windows user point of view, MacOS is differ for the purpose of difference only. Intuition doesn't work in the Mac universe. ```txt macbook hide safari macbook hide safari from dock macos latest version macbook check cpu macbook check cpu usage macbook chrome shortcut to find KeePass alternative Cannot Be Opened Because the Developer Cannot be Verified where is the macbook file explorer macbook stop changing screen temperature macbook stop changing screen color to blue how do I browse my file system on a mac 2021 pin hard drive to docker macbook 2021 pin hard drive to hub macbook what is super key mac sublime mac auto save sublime mac closed without ask me to save hot_exit not working on macbook (depending on close by x v.s. exit completely from docker) Preserve unsaved files macbook Sublime Text 3 keep unsaved files macbook Sublime Text 3 why macbook so antihuman why macbook so against human why macos so not user friendly macbook how to add hard drive to dock macbook how to ...