How to Install KeePass on M1 Mac
KeePass is good at syncing (via FTP or DAV). I missed that functionality on Windows.
Here's how I install and use KeePass on MacOS:
## Install wine-crossover
brew tap gcenx/wine
brew install --cask --no-quarantine wine-crossover
## Install winetricks
brew install winetricks
## Install .NET
winetricks -q dotnet472
## Install mono
ref: [StackOverflow](
1. Download [wine-mono.msi]( from the official winehq site.
1. Run `wine64 uninstaller`
1. A window should popup. Inside the window choose the `mono.msi` file you just downloaded, and then click `install`
## Install clipboard dependences
brew install xsel
brew install xdotool
## Install
Please download the exact KeePass version that you used on Windows. Or you may encounter the error `keepass failed to load the specified file the master key is invalid` when opening the old kdbx file with the correct password.
1. Unzip `` and move the folder to `/Applications/`.
## Use KeePass
1. On `/Applications/KeePass_folder_xxx/KeePass.exe` -> Right click -> Open With -> Wine Crossover.
1. Choose a kdbx file and you are good to go.
## Done
## P.S.
If it's still not working when you done all the steps above:
I also have monoFramework.universal.pkg and `brew install wine-stable` installed.
Error keywords for search:
wine: Bad CPU type in executable
keepass failed to load the specified file the master key is invalid